``` Our Mission, Vision and Beliefs — Erotiekvoordeel.nl Skip to content


Our Mission, Vision and Beliefs

Our Mission and Beliefs

We want, wherever we are, whether it is virtually on the Internet or physically in a store, at an event or at a trade show, to be a place where people of all genders and sexual orientations can explore their sexuality in a positive environment and be treated with respect.

In a world where unfortunately it is still normal to impose your opinion or beliefs on another person, we want to be precisely a place where you can learn about sex and the possibilities of sex toys in a shame-free, positive environment.

We believe that sex is fun and that sex toys can help with that. We like to do our part to promote sexual health and wellness for all.

Honest, accurate information about sexuality changes lives. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, promotes healthy relationships and has the potential to save lives.

Our goal is to provide an open, non-judgmental approach to sexual topics to everyone who meets or contacts us.

We believe that exploring your personal sexuality and intimate relationships is an important, lifelong process that is unique to each individual. Experiences around sexuality can be fun, scary, exciting, difficult, challenging, funny, sad, joyful, confusing, fulfilling, maddening, frustrating, mind-blowing, serendipitous and encompass just about any emotion you can imagine.

We recognize the complexity of sexuality and honor the diversity of the human sexual experience. Our goal is to help everyone we come in contact with on their journey to sexual well-being.

Epicurius works to create a world where everyone can explore or experience their unique sexuality and identity honestly and respectfully, without fear or shame. Helping along to your enjoyment of life.
