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Je Eerste Vibrator - Een Beginnersgids

Your First Vibrator - A Beginner's Guide

As with anything related to sex, many questions can arise when using a vibrator for the first time. Where do you start How do you know you're doing it right Wait, what is a vibrator anywayjk?

The curiosity about vibrators is exciting! It means you are open to your full pleasure potential and ready to embrace your sexuality and discover the meaning of sexual wellness. Sounds serious Well, it's not - it's a lot of fun!!

A recent sexual well-being study found that vibrator users were 45% more satisfied with their sex lives than those who didn't. In addition, vulva owners and women who use vibrators consider their sexual well-being more important. So starting to masturbate with a vibrator can only bring good things. That's why we've put together a user-friendly guide for vibrator beginners!

How does a vibrator work?

Vibrators are, well, vibrating sex toys - or, as we like to call them, sexual wellness tools! They provide sexual stimulation and can mimic certain sexual acts. Their purpose is to bring pleasure, which may or may not result in an orgasm. Vibrators are not just for orgasms, but for overall well-being.

So, what causes these positive vibrations? A good vibrator consists of many components....

The rotating weight is one of the most important parts, as this is the part that causes the actual vibration. The way the weight wobbles creates different types of vibration; buzzing or messy. How do you make a weight wobble Well, that depends on the mass, the material and the shape. A heavier rotating weight creates a more powerful movement..

The distance from the center of the motor also affects vibration. Every good va-va-vroom needs a good motor, yet vibrator motors provide the movement, and the number of revolutions per minute and the rotation diameter can influence the movement, for example smoother vibrations..

Of course, a power source is also necessary. Some classic vibrators work on power from an outlet, but sitting on a wall isn't so sexy. Portable vibrators are powered by single batteries or rechargeable lithium ion batteries. It is a common misconception that rechargeable vibrators are more powerful, it is more about how efficient the battery is. If a lot of e) energy is consumed, the battery will run out faster.

The printed circuit board assembly (PCBA, an engineering assembly) allows vibrator makers to program pulsation modes and speeds that provide a more personalized experience for users. Not all vibrators have this, but without a PCBA a vibrator is really just a simple toy with one function.e.

These fun features and the power need an on/off switch. The control usually consists of a button that connects to the PCBA. Well-thought-out designs of vibrators place the buttons ergonomically comfortable and easy to use during a solo session.


All this is housed in a housing that holds the structure of the vibrator. This housing is often made of plastic and is often the only biodegradable part of a sustainable vibrator. The placement of the motor in this housing can also affect how the vibration is directed to your erogenous zones.

The exterior of a vibrator not only ensures that it looks good, but also offers protection. Simple vibrators may not have a cover, but those that do are often made of plastic or soft rubber. Preferably a non-porous material such as silicone is best as they are much easier to clean. A cryogenically polished finish also makes silicone feel super smooth (especially against our most sensitive spots) and makes the vibrator easier to store or display - it attracts less dust!

All these components must come together correctly to get the best, orgasm-worthy end result. It is important to ensure that they are properly sourced with proper audits and certifications, then accurately assembled to ensure safety, durability and a good experience. This is something to consider when shopping for your first vibrator; affordability versus how and what a vibrator is made of. Safety first!

Why do vibrators make us feel good?

As vulva owners, we may be familiar with diagrams of our sexual and reproductive anatomy, but what if we put a positive spin on it regarding pleasure When it comes to understanding why masturbating with a vibrator (or masturbating at all) feels so good , here are a few important things to know....

Female pleasure anatomy explained

First of all, the vagina and the vulva are different. The vagina is part of the internal female genitalia, while the vulva includes all the external genitalia. This helpful information makes it easier to understand what vibrators do and which parts they stimulate.

Second, there is much more to the clitoris than meets the naked eye. In fact, 300% more. The outer knob is just the tip of the entire clitoral structure, which runs internally around the vaginal walls. It swells with blood when stimulated, yes, it's not just penis owners who get an erection. The more you know about the clitoris, the more pleasure you can experience!

The clitoris is a highly connected organ that interacts with other parts of our anatomy during arousal and stimulation. For example, the swelling of the labia and the tingling sensations in our vaginal canal are caused in part by clitoral stimulation. The 8,000 nerve endings, connected to another 15,000, are responsible for these pleasurable sensations. All this is part of the sensational system of nerves, glands and pelvic floor muscles. You see, there is much more to discover about the female anatomy!

Vibrators hit more than just those nerves. Our bodies are littered with different types of receptors that respond to light touch, and the places where they are most densely concentrated are called erogenous zones. The neck, lips, breasts... with the right touch, these places can be very sexually satisfying.

The benefits of masturbation

So, a little education can go a long way, right Now, for some tips to enjoy. When we experience sexual pleasure, and the stimulation of sexual wellness tools such as vibrators, hormones are released that trigger physiological responses that make us feel good. These responses also contribute to benefits such as better sleep and stress relief. The pleasure of vibrators is not only in the stimulating moments, but also in the after-effects!!

What does masturbation with a vibrator feel like?

Whether you pleasure yourself manually or with the help of a vibrator, the experience is unique for everyone. Self-pleasure allows us to explore ourselves, doesn't it? Our senses respond to different forms of touch, and using a device and technology allows us to enhance and further personalize that pleasure..

Stimulating those sexual nerves can feel tingling and fluttering, but what sensations can you expect when using a vibrator for the first time??

We may be misled into thinking that all vibrations are buzzing, but that is not the case. Some vibrations are superficial, while others offer a deeper, messier vibration. A direct targeted touch or indirect wider pressure can make a difference, or a sucking vibrator that technically doesn't make direct contact at all.

The great thing about vibrators is that, unlike with your own fingers or hands, you can create spontaneity. Masturbating without a sex toy doesn't give you the opportunity to tease and turn yourself on by the unexpected, an arousal mode that many vibrators are programmed with.

Vibrators help build to orgasm through constant movements and pulsations that may not be achievable with just your hand. A variety of speed options is also something we may not be able to achieve on our own or with a partner. Using a vibrator opens up the possibilities of different masturbation techniques to try and different patterns of pleasure to play with.

One thing masturbation with a vibrator shouldn't be is painful! Although they are known to help vulva owners who have trouble experiencing pleasure in penetration pain, especially during sex with a partner. Vibrators can be life changing!

How to choose the right vibrator: the best vibrators for beginners

We've said it before and we'll say it again: Sexual pleasure is so unique to each of us. Using a vibrator for the first time is all about discovery, from reading an in-depth guide to vibrators to know what's out there, to understanding what kind of stimulation YOU like.

The most recommended vibrators for beginners are often bullet or lipstick shaped. They are small and compact without looking intimidating or complicated. This type of vibrator is almost guaranteed to climax, as most vulva owners need this form of external stimulation to reach orgasm. If you also want to try penetration the first time, then versatile vibrators are ideal for a lot of internal and external exploration.

View your first vibrator as a tool to discover your initial pleasure preferences. Here are some key things to help you choose...

Take a Quiz - Similar to partnered sex, it's easy to start using a vibrator without thinking about what you really want. So an activity that gives you the opportunity to think about this can help you find a more personalized recommendation.

Check out your favorite stores - Sometimes the intimidating atmosphere of a specialty sex toy store can put us off taking the first step to buy a vibrator. But times have changed (hurray) and you can now buy sexual well-being tools in everyday, unexpected like our webshop Think supermarkets, bookstores, pharmacies... More and more regular stores have them on their shelves and websites, so you can get your first vibrator together with your favorite skin care products or new outfit. What's intimidating about that?

Safe for your body - Most vibrators and sex toys are made of stainless steel, silicone and glass, and are considered safe. Some vibrators are made of rubber jelly or PVC vinyl and contain the toxin phthalates (pronounced thal-aten). Phthalates are added to hard plastics to soften them, but they break down over time and can cause health problems when absorbed into the bloodstream. Always check the details of any vibrator before purchasing to make sure it is free of phthalates.

Silent Vibration - Gone are the days of vibrators that are loud enough to be a real buzzkill. If you are concerned about noise or if noise interferes with your own sexual flow, choose a silent vibrator. The sound is disproportionate to the intensity or power of the vibrator. This way you can experience intense sensations, in complete privacy.

What you need to know before using a vibrator for the first time

Three essentials for vibrator beginners to ensure it's not the last time...

  1. Get to know your first vibrator

You want to get comfortable with your new toy, so read the manual! Find out how to charge the product, how to turn it on and off and which modes or functions are available. Vibrator brands often provide tips on their website, specific to each product. See if you can find it!

  1. It's not like in movies

Pop culture tends to create unrealistic standards and expectations for many things; body image and sex are two things that have a negative effect on the pleasure experienced by people with vulva. It's the same with vibrators, so instead of being guided by what you see on screen, listen to your body.

  1. If it's not an orgasm on the first try, that's okay

Of course an orgasm is great - but the journey to it is just as enjoyable. If you're too focused on the end result, it can be harder to relax and enjoy your first vibrator experiences. Best Advice Go into the session with a "see what happens" mentality. You just explore what you like..

Just like with a new partner, it can take some time to know your preferences, and that's totally normal. It's also normal if a vibrator just doesn't work for you. There are sex toys that don't require direct touch and are inclusive for all types of clitoral sensitivity! Plus, there's no rush - if you'd rather keep experimenting with your hands, your first vibrator will be waiting for you when you want to take the next step!

How to use a vibrator for the first time

Now the real fun begins. You've got your first vibrator, now here's a step-by-step guide on how to use it...


  1. To work

Before you start your first session, don't forget to put the batteries in the vibrator or fully charge it.

  1. Create the right atmosphere

Music, essential oil, some mirror time, dimmed lighting… whatever suits your senses. Create an intimate space for yourself, yourself and, well, your vibrator. Getting in the mood creates the right setting for arousal and sexual arousal.

  1. take your time

Once you feel relaxed and in a comfortable position, turn the vibrator on at a low speed to familiarize yourself with the touch on your skin. Then experiment on different sensitive areas of your body to slowly build arousal. Observe how the stimulation feels differently depending on how and where you use it, and where it feels most pleasurable.

  1. Treat yourself

Even though you're using a vibrator, that doesn't mean you should hold back from touching yourself with your hands. Take the opportunity to caress your breasts or inner thighs to see if the simultaneous sensations elicit additional arousal.

  1. Try out the different modes

Your vibrator of choice will likely have multiple pulsation patterns, so navigate through the options to see what you're comfortable with at the time. Continued pressure and a consistent rhythm are likely to increase excitement and anticipation. Build up by slowly increasing the pace, gradually increasing the speed levels.

  1. Personalize it

Some vibrators have lockable speed modes so you can glide through your session at your preferred pace, or they allow you to save your preferred pulsation so you don't have to remember it for next time. Squeeze touch sensors are also a revolutionary way to seamlessly adjust intensity.

  1. Try different techniques and layers

Sometimes the intensity can be a bit overwhelming the first time. To soften the touch of external stimulation and gently approach the intensity, try placing a piece of cloth between you and the touch. Using a vibrator over your underwear is an easy way to try this trick! The new vibrational sensations you experience are not limited. Play with different techniques; shallow with an internal vibrator, circling with a clitoral stimulator, or winding down after orgasm (hello, multiple orgasms).

  1. Stimulate your erotic imagination

Sexual arousal is about much more than just physical touch. Our brain is one of the most powerful sexual organs, fueling our emotional desire for sex and unlocking our senses. Sexual stimuli, such as online erotica, can inspire physiological responses such as a swollen clitoris, erect nipples, and vaginal lubrication.

  1. Add lubricant

A vibrator's best friend Pleasant, generous and faithful - using lube can strengthen the bond you feel with your body during pleasure sessions. Used internally or externally, it can make things run much more smoothly. Always use water-based lubricant with silicone vibrators!!

  1. Breath

Your breath is a powerful way to connect with your body and enhance your pleasure experience. If you find yourself tending to hold your breath or feel the need to rush, pause and breathe slowly. Begin with a series of inhales to a count of four as you bring your awareness to your clitoris. On exhalation for another count of four; release all tension completely. Trust us, there's magic in a little mindful masturbation.

  1. Stay curious

After you devote a few self-love sessions to your new toy, you may learn how to achieve orgasm with a vibrator. Once we know the highway to that good feeling, why would we want to take the longer route, right? Well, not so. While quick experiences are great, the best thing about a vibrator is that it's a tool for exploring your relationship with pleasure. Just be curious about your sensations and remember that our response to sexual stimulation varies with our hormones, stress level and other life events, so using a vibrator can always be a new experience. As they say, variety is the spice of life - and life is an adventure! Try out different techniques with your vibrator, and when your curiosity is piqued, try a second vibrator for a new kind of stimulation..

How to clean vibrators

Care and maintenance for your vibrator is important; here are a few tips on how to keep your vibrator clean and make sure it lasts so that it continues to give you that new pleasure.

For vibrators made of stainless steel, silicone and glass, warm water and soap is sufficient to clean them. Always use unscented soap to avoid irritation and remove batteries from electric vibrators before getting them wet.

For leather and hard plastics, disinfect with rubbing alcohol.

For rubber jelly toys or those made from PVC vinyl, it is safer to use a condom to prevent the toxins in the material from entering your body.

When storing your vibrator, remove the batteries. This extends the life of the batteries and makes it easier to clean your vibrator. Make sure you dry your sex toy well, because you don't want nasty mold! Store your vibrator in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and excessive heat.

Curious about our vibrators Click on the following link:  

Vibrators Erotiekvoordeel.nll

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