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Find the perfect sex toy for every personality type!

Find the perfect gift for that special someone or for yourself! By shopping based on personality and interests, there is a very good chance that you will find something that perfectly suits your partner or yourself. Because let's face it, it's a shame if that toy that seemed so nice ends up somewhere at the bottom of your underwear drawer

If you are a trendsetter...

Then you will really love all ourvibrators that work on air pressure† These special clit stimulators are equipped with a revolutionary technique that imitates the feeling of oral sex by means of air pressure. Some Clit Stimulators! These special massagers have a revolutionary new sucking and blowing action that mimics the feeling of oral sex. Some of these vibratores have a dual function and can also vibrate.

And men will surely enjoy the latestautomatic masturbators† These masturbators  do all the work while you simply sit back and watch your erection grow! Again, there are versions that vibrate, rotate or even gently say naughty things to you!

If you like technology .

Then you will love some of ourvibrators with App control† These beauties work together with your smartphone. Although the App offers different options from brand to brand, you can usually turn them on or off and change the vibration mode via the app. Some brands allow you to create your own vibration patterns, while others even allow you to control the vibrator from across the world - ideal for business trips or long distance relationships.

Men might prefer our high techprostate toys want to look. This ergonomic toy comes with all kinds of extra features, so whether you're looking for a thrusting prostate vibrator, an anal vibrator with rotating beads or one with extra intense vibrations to make your prostate go wild - it exists! Some are even remote controlled, so you can easily set speed and intensity without having to stop.

If you love giving more than receiving...

Then it's high time for some oral games.Lubricants with a taste are great for everyone. These tasty treats come in a wide variety of flavors that will have you licking your lips...and other body parts too! And you can make your oral pleasure even greater with some oral sex toys. Finally, there are also some numbing sprays to get rid of those pesky gag reflexes when you want to indulge in deep throat!

If you already have a closet full of sex toys and are looking for something special...

Then we have some great luxury machines have so much power that they can make you tremble from head to toe.

If sex machines aren't your thing, we've got some high-end toolove dolls† These life size dolls are incredibly realistic, fully functional and can be used in multiple positions.

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